Why was the TV show ‘Outsourced’ cancelled

Why was the TV show 'Outsourced' cancelled

In recent years, outsourcing has become an increasingly popular practice among game developers due to its potential cost savings and increased efficiency. By hiring external companies, game developers can reduce their expenses on wages and benefits while still obtaining high-quality work. Additionally, outsourcing allows game developers to focus on their core competencies, such as game design and programming, rather than getting bogged down by less specialized tasks. This can lead to faster development times and higher-quality products.

One of the main benefits of outsourcing is cost savings. By hiring external companies, game developers can reduce their expenses on wages and benefits while still obtaining high-quality work. Additionally, outsourcing allows game developers to focus on their core competencies, such as game design and programming, rather than getting bogged down by less specialized tasks. This can lead to faster development times and higher-quality products.

Another benefit of outsourcing is increased efficiency. Outsourcing certain tasks allows game developers to free up resources and allocate them more effectively. This can result in faster development times and higher-quality products. Outsourcing can also provide access to specialized skills and expertise that may not be available within the company. This can lead to the creation of innovative and high-quality games that would not have been possible otherwise.

Despite these benefits, outsourcing also comes with its fair share of risks. One of the biggest risks is communication breakdown. When working with external companies, game developers must rely on effective communication to ensure that tasks are completed to their satisfaction. However, this can be challenging due to language barriers or cultural differences. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can result in low-quality work, delays, and increased costs.

Another risk associated with outsourcing is quality control. While outsourcing can lead to cost savings, it is important to ensure that the work being produced meets high standards. Game developers must carefully vet potential outsourcing partners to ensure that they have a track record of producing high-quality work. They must also establish clear guidelines and expectations for their partners to ensure that the work aligns with their own quality standards.

The Risks of Outsourcing in Game Development

One of the main risks associated with outsourcing is communication breakdown. When working with external companies, game developers must rely on effective communication to ensure that tasks are completed to their satisfaction. However, this can be challenging due to language barriers or cultural differences. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can result in low-quality work, delays, and increased costs.

The Risks of Outsourcing in Game Development
Another risk associated with outsourcing is quality control. While outsourcing can lead to cost savings, it is important to ensure that the work being produced meets high standards. Game developers must carefully vet potential outsourcing partners to ensure that they have a track record of producing high-quality work. They must also establish clear guidelines and expectations for their partners to ensure that the work aligns with their own quality standards.

The Reasons Behind the Cancellation of ‘Outsourced’

Despite its popularity, ‘Outsourced’ was ultimately cancelled due to low ratings. There are several reasons why this may have been the case. Firstly, the show’s humor and cultural references may not have resonated with a broad audience. The show is set in India and revolves around an American businessman who outsources his company’s operations to India. While this concept may have been novel at the time, it may have been too niche for some viewers.

Secondly, the show may have suffered from poor marketing and promotion. Without adequate advertising and publicity, the show may not have attracted enough viewers to maintain its ratings. The lack of a strong promotional campaign may have contributed to the show’s cancellation.

Implications for Game Developers

The cancellation of ‘Outsourced’ has several implications for game developers. Firstly, it highlights the importance of effective communication when working with external companies. Game developers must ensure that they are able to clearly communicate their needs and expectations to outsourcing partners in order to avoid misunderstandings and quality issues. They must also establish clear guidelines and expectations for their partners to ensure that the work aligns with their own quality standards.

Implications for Game Developers

Secondly, the cancellation of ‘Outsourced’ serves as a reminder that cost savings alone may not be enough to justify outsourcing certain tasks. Game developers must carefully consider the benefits and risks of outsourcing and ensure that it aligns with their overall business goals. They must also weigh the potential costs of communication breakdowns and quality control issues against the potential cost savings.

Finally, the cancellation of ‘Outsourced’ underscores the need for game developers to maintain a strong sense of cultural awareness when working with external partners. By understanding and respecting cultural differences, game developers can build stronger relationships with outsourcing partners and ensure that tasks are completed to their satisfaction. They must also be aware of language barriers and establish clear communication channels to avoid misunderstandings and delays.


Outsourcing has become a popular practice in the gaming industry due to its potential cost savings and increased efficiency. However, game developers must carefully consider the risks associated with outsourcing and take steps to mitigate them, such as effective communication and quality control measures. Additionally, game developers must be aware of cultural differences and language barriers when working with external partners to avoid misunderstandings and delays.